Information About winery in Westlake Village.

Drinking wine is a celebration of life, great sustenance and special company. Learning about wine should also be a pleasure! What if we talk about ordering wine at The Stonehaus? This does not have to be complicated or intimidating, regardless of whether you are a newbie. Whether you are sitting in a large full-benefit the Stonehaus or your favorite restaurant, a wine summary should be available. It can be on the table or offered before or with the menu. If not, ask the waiter for the wine list. Regardless of the format, certain information must be available in any excellent wine list.

First, the full name of the wine, this incorporates the name of the wine, the winemaker and the vintage. If a wine is registered without the name of the manufacturer or the vintage, ask the waiter. When you order more than 1 wine, talk about when it will be served. The best standard guide is to have them all brought, and even open them, as soon as you have them. In this line, you can see that the wines are what you requested and you do not have to wait, in case the waiter is unjustifiably occupied, for your next pour. The Stonehaus is a restaurant in Westlake Village with amazing wine.

Directions To Our Westlake Village, CA European Restaurant Services.

The Stonehaus

32039 Agoura Rd
Westlake Village, CA, 91361
Phone: +1 818-483-1152