Wedding Venue for a Resort that Hosts Weddings in Westlake Village

Finding the ideal wedding venue and setting for your service can be tedious and overwhelming. Regularly the wedding venues take place in an area different from the function of the Westlake Village Inn. But some ladies and sweethearts are having both in the area. The latter is the most advantageous alternative for wedding visitors, as they do not need to move between the wedding areas. Wedding scenes can be carried out in numerous areas and can take many structures. Whether it’s a lobby for dinner, a church or sanctuary, a vineyard or tropical forest, Queensland has the area for you. The Victoria Park Golf Complex and Function Venue is located about 2 kilometers from Brisbane. Not only does it delight you with fabulous perspectives of the horizon, but it also has 8 work rooms to choose from. Victoria Park Golf Complex and the setting of the function is the ideal area to celebrate your wedding service and the wedding meeting. So make the function of your wedding in the beautifully manicured Westlake Village Inn be carried out by the wedding meeting in the rich silk-covered tent. The greens are the ideal area for an outdoor wedding; the same number has an interior capacity setting that allows it to have a terrible weathering design. Use Westlake Village Inn for your beautiful wedding venue.

Directions To Our Westlake Village, CA 3 Star Hotel Service

Westlake Village Inn

31943 Agoura Rd
Westlake Village, CA, 91361
Phone: (818) 889-0230